Kol Nidreh Appeal 5784
Monday, September 25, 2023 • 10 Tishrei 5784
All DayThank you for responding to the Young Israel of Plainview Kol Nidre Appeal
Please help strengthen our community by contributing to our Kol Nidre appeal. The money raised during this appeal is one of the primary sources of funding for the year.
We sincerely appreciate your continued help in building a strong foundation for our community. May we all be blessed with a new year filled with health, happiness and prosperity.
There are 3 Ways to Respond
1) Online: Fill out the form below and pay online or send a check
2) Email: Send your pledge to kolnidre@yiplainview.org
3) Phone: Leave a message for the Office Manager at (516) 433-4811 x1
When you press the donate button below you will be given the opportunity to pay online or if you'd prefer to send a check please select "Pay by Check" and mail in your donation by check to Young Israel of Plainview Inc. with a note "Kol Nidre Appeal"
Checks can be mailed to
Young Israel of Plainview
Attn: Treasurer
132 Southern Parkway Plainview, NY 11803
As always your contribution will be kept confidential.
Questions? Please contact the Office Manager at office@yiplainview.org
If you are not able to pledge, please fill out our form below with a $0 contribution and we won't contact you further
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